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China Horse Fair 2018 attracts China’s top buyers
More horses have been and will be imported into China in 2016
In 2015, leading clubs in China, such as the Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Group and the China Horse Club, began to purchase high quality horses to participate in horse racing competitions overseas. (2016-02-17)[More>>]
The growing Chinese Equine Market
According to RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, an International market research company, there are now more than 400,000 amateur riders and 9 million horses in China and  investment in the country’s equine industry is increasing at 15% to 20% every year. When compared to previous years, 2015 saw the fastest development in the Chinese equine market and many industry analysts believe this trend will continue through 2016.  (2016-01-06)[More>>]
Horse racing: Huge development potential in Chinese market
The Chinese Equestrian Association and Hong Kong Jockey Club signed a strategic cooperation agreement at the press conference which took place yesterday (9th September) in Beijing. In the next five years, the Hong Kong Jockey Club will provide horse racing competitions organised by the Chinese Equestrian Association with professional technique support. The Hong Kong Jockey Club will help to amend the rules to suit the development of the competitions and the Hong Kong Jockey Club will support the Chinese Equestrian Association to develop the horse racing market in China and increase the international awareness of these competitions.(2015-09-14)[More>>]
More horses were imported into China
Since 2012, the Inner Mongolia Rider Horse Group has imported 832 horses from New Zealand. Recently, the same group imported 188 horses from New Zealand. Rider Horse Group has booked 27m2 (Stand C49, C51, C53) at the CHF 2015 to promote their horses to the Chinese equine market which has huge potential.(2015-08-04)[More>>]
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